Tuesday, December 1, 2009

West Virgina where. . .

. . . if you use a gun you go to jail, but if you use an attack dog . . .?

The victim is in CRITICAL condition, and just what is the punishment for "failure to vaccinate" your dogs?

If it is YOUR dog, it should be YOUR problem when it nearly kills someone.

West Virgina, get your donkey out of the stop position. Even if dogs are vaccinated, they can be dangerous, make laws that make owners criminally responsible for their dog's attacks.

Dogs should be in a locked yard, house, leashed, or under the owners control - at all times. Owners need to weigh the risk of letting their Chihuahua run loose, and letting their pack of pit bulls run loose.

If I have a pet tiger, and I let it run loose, and it half kills you - who is really at fault? The tiger for being a tiger (like Chris Rock said) or the person who bought the tiger, and lets it run loose - where (like Chris Rock said), it might just naturally "go tiger"?

Maybe there is more to the news than what is out yet, but here it is:
