Wednesday, December 2, 2009

OT - social change

Social change is often hard on people. Technology is easier to accept - it is just a new toy, or is it?

But are some changes needed, and are some other changes harmful?

Many people like to pick and choose the changes that they want OTHER people to have.

But life doesn't go smoothly that way - forcing OTHER people to live a life they aren't geared for.

Today there is a 6 page article on "Women Who Want to Want", about women who want to feel sexual desire, but can't.

More interesting, I think, is the idea that although homosexuality was once though of as a mental illness, it has not been considered an insanity for nearly 20 years, but women who don't feel sexual desire are getting a page about them written into the official reference that decides if you are nuts or not.

Times change.

Then there is the story about a murder in Italy. Was the young woman killed because she refused to go along with some group sex act, or was she killed for daring to have condoms and a sex toy? Heck give the jury both stories?,2933,578716,00.html

To me, why she was murdered is beside the point - the point is that she was murdered.

But I guess to some people, it makes a difference - but here we see the two sides of the issue, she could have been murdered by a raging sex gang, or she could of been murdered by a right wing anti-sex gang of women.

Then there are the women claiming to have had an affair with Tiger Woods - not any of my business, that's between him, them, and his wife.

Then here's another about just how social change can change us individually.
Meredith Baxter, who played Elyse Keaton, on Family Ties (80s TV show) has announced that she is a lesbian, but that she didn't know it until after many years of marriage to 3 different men (I wonder if her husbands knew?).

At 62 years old, she just started dating other women 7 years ago. I have to feel sorry for any men she was with, who could never figure what was wrong with the relationship. Yet, Meredith said that she did not know that she was a lesbian. And I can believe that does happen.
Read the article here:,,personsTax:MeredithBaxter,00.html

Which is yet another case, where I believe that it is better to welcome people to come out of the closet and marry people of their own lifestyle.

I believe that it is cruel for churches to tell gays that they should marry a straight person and pretend to not be gay - cruel to the gay person, and crueler to the straight person they marry.