Saturday, December 5, 2009

Pit Bull links

Terrierman did a very good post on pit bulls today. Check it out. But here is a link to one of my favorite post he did on pit bulls, and it has a bunch of comments, which he replies to.

A site with statistics on pit bulls, as well as information about people is:

Myself, I have watched the neighborhood I moved away from, go downhill, mostly due to pitbulls. These dogs, owned by 3 different homes, made it unsafe to walk to the neighbors, and sometimes unsafe to get out of the car and walk up to my own door.

The pit bulls were smart enough to hear the dog catcher coming and hide. They had been chased before.

Were other breeds a problem? Yes there had been dogs who ran loose who made a habit of running up to children and nipping them, but they did not bite hard enough to break the skin.

And there was a territorial Akita that ran people off one street. And a Shar Pei that attacked other dogs. A few purebred bird dogs that attack other dogs (rare, most bird dogs were not mean).

But there was only one other breed of dog than ran loose and rushed adults in their own yards - a purebred chow.

But of the dogs that personally rushed, stalked, or stared at me growling while I was at or near my own home, all of them (except the one chow) were purebred pit bulls.

Odd, but now that I think about it, the dogs that were a problem in other areas that I visited, were purebreds too.

Maybe the people who bought mutt puppies did not have the money to bail their dogs out of the pound when they got picked up? But mutts were NOT a problem where I grew up.

I didn't realize that until just now writing about it. All the nasty dogs were purebreds. None of the mutts were.

I have always liked mutts, that must be why. I knew enough, even as a kid, to know which were purebreds.

I must of realized, on some unconscious level, that the it was only purebreds who were a problem. I never thought about why I liked mutts more.

For a while, I did raise purebreds, because you could not sell mutts for money- people were into the purebreds then. But I gave up purebreds because too many of them had health problems, or weird temperament problems.

I doubt that mutts are really that much nicer - I suppose that it is just a money thing - that people who pay 350 dollars for a puppy are more likely to bail it out of the pound than someone who got a free puppy. So even the nasty purebreds who ran loose were bailed out.

There was one mutt who ran loose near where I lived (before the pit bull became popular) and it was a nice dog. Maybe I am wrong, maybe the purebreds who ran lose were meaner because they were inbred, or for some other reason.

But a dog that bites and hangs on without letting go, is far more dangerous than a dog that nips and runs.

Still, no dog should be allowed to run loose in a city.