Mind Messers?
How does a dog breeder, who sells litter after litter, convince people, who by a puppy from her, that they need to have their puppy operated on, while her own dogs keep churning out more puppies week after week?
How can a person say "You need to have your pet fixed, but I am going to keep breeding it's parents (and grandparents, and siblings, and aunts, uncles, and cousins)?
How can a dog breeder say:
Have your pet spayed - so I can sell more puppies?
Have your male dog's balls knocked off - so I can sell more puppies?
I don't need to have MY dogs spayed because there is no over-population of puppies -
just an overpopulation of unwanted misbred GROWN dogs - yet require people buying puppies from them to have THEIR puppies operated on?
Isn't it a blatant case of "Do as I say, not as I do"?