Saturday, December 5, 2009

Pit Bulls

People sure say a lot of stuff about pit bulls, pro and con. Most of what you read about pit bulls are simple statements - but it is a complicated subject that can't be expressed in one post.

Wolves do have instincts - inherited knowledge, drives.

Dogs are modified wolves (modified ancient wolves). Different parts of the wolf's genetic code have been damped down, or turned up - with different adjustment for each breed.

Like if you looked how a hundred different musicians adjust the bass & treble type controls to customize their music, you would find that different songs and different types of music are adjusted differently. Same with dogs.

People who bred herding dogs bred to up certain traits, and to dampen down other traits.

People who fought dogs turned up the aggression and tenacity, and dampened down submission and going through ritual greeting (canine language codes usually done instead of fighting).

Each type of dog was customized by the profession that started it. Pit Bulls were made by dog fighters - that is a truth that can not safely be ignored.

Beagles were bred by people who kept them in packs. Bird dogs were bred by bird hunters who wanted a dog with a soft mouth (soft bite - gentle pressure), who would help people get birds, but not try to eat the bird themselves.