Thursday, November 19, 2009

This Week

Sometimes, a new law, or some article or post somewhere on the web, seems to start an avalanche of post all about the same topic.

This week it seems to about Los Angeles and a few other cities in California rushing to ban cat declawing before the New Year 2010 dead line - after which only the state (not county or city) can regulate medical procedures in California.

The state law which starts on Jan 1st, doesn't specifically mention veterinarians, but applies to them too. The aim of the bill seems to be to prevent more uselessly expensive court battles between conflicting government groups within California.

The state of California is restricted from the usual tax generating method of property taxes, by a proposition many years back, which locks the tax rate of a property to the value of the property AT THE TIME WHICH IT WAS PURCHASED. Without the tax money from increasing property value, the governments don't have the tax revenue to do all the usual things.

As time goes by, and the tax income of the government falls more and more behind with the rising cost of living, the government must keep cutting back their expenses. One way to do that is to not waste money on court battles.