Saturday, November 14, 2009

Purebred comment

I read, over on terrierman, the ruckus about the Nazi-eugenics tie.
How could anyone possibly think that there wasn't a connection?
Especially, how could dog show people not see the connection?
It is quite possible to be too close to a subject to see it. Ever hear "Can't see the forest because of all the trees."
Hitler wanted to breed a pure race, didn't he? And what are dog shows about?
Hitler wanted to control the world - to re-make it all his way, right?
And what has happened to the regular mutts - in my area, there was a plan (I spoke with some of these people) to get all the mixed breed dogs spayed/ castrated, so that they could sell more purebreds.
And you can easily find purebred dog breeders who are very snooty and pushy about their opinion (which they call "fact") that purebred dogs should be bred, mixed breed dogs, mutts, and designer dogs should not be allowed to breed.
In California, there were laws proposed (which did get modified as they went along) that would make 'everybody' get their dogs and cats spayed/ neutered, but would exempt breeders of purebred show dogs.
Eugenics, dogs or people, is still eugenics.