Sunday, November 15, 2009

KKK Nazi Kennels?

Wow, British people have compared the big British Kennel Klub to the Nazi party, and earlier this year, Peta compared ours to the Klu Klux Klan.

What would make people, looking at dog shows and purebred dog breeders, to think of extremist right wing groups?

Maybe it is the idea that dogs should be assigned to a breed, and not allowed to mate with any dog not in their own breed?

Maybe it is the whole idea of a purebred fetish thing?

Maybe it is the judging dogs by what they look like? Or breeding them by what they look like?

Maybe it is the whole idea of judging some dogs better than others, especially since those dogs have to look purebred?

Maybe it isn't just the shows and the breeders themselves, but the way they have set up their system? Like having rules against saying anything "detrimental" about them?

Maybe that makes people whisper things or look around before they speak, or to cut off what they were going to say - and maybe that sort of fearful hush-hushness makes observers pick up clues that something large and restricting is governing over the shows?