Sunday, October 25, 2009

Pedigree Fans

You know how some people are fans of playing baseball, others are fans of watching baseball, and others are the techno people of baseball who can quote you how many home runs everybody has made since before their grandfather was born?

Dog shows have people who are into different aspects of dog shows. One of those sub-cultures of the sub-culture, are the pedigree fans. I swear it is true, their are people who can, and do, recite their dog's pedigrees back to the start of their breed, just like baseball fans recite the scores.

Why would people memorize their dogs pedigrees, and learn the names of dog's that died, before the breeder was born?

Dog names of dogs that died un-photographed, and with no details recorded?

So people are into it. Other breeders are not into it. I see the point in it if some information is attached to the names, or a photo, otherwise, sorry, no use for it.

Now I know the pedigree studiers will say, but you can trace back this or that trait and . . . whatever. But IMO, it is in the person to love to study pedigrees or it is not.

Get two pedigree lovers of the same breed together and they can talk pedigrees for hours.