Wednesday, December 2, 2009

On boy, Oh boy, Oh boy

Wow. I repeat this under the theory that he who forgets history is apt to make those same mistakes again. I'm not sure that I believe that, but why take chances, when the cure is a short bit of reading?

Have you read the wikipedia entry on Animal Rights? It is long. (wikipedia changes it's 'posts' with constant editing), so go, read, save.

Scroll down, and read where Carl Cohen says that animals can't be given rights because they don't know the difference between their own interest and what is right!

Well, if that is the test of getting rights, some of the people I know, are going to loose theirs.

Heck, friends are going to loose their rights!

What happens when you loose your rights? you become an outlaw, correct? The law will not protect you anymore, people can use you, you become (legally) like a wild animal - except that we do protect wild animals now, so that there will be enough wild animals for OTHER PEOPLE to hunt.

Are people declared "outlaws" anymore? "Wanted Dead or Alive"? I don't think so. I think that would be called "murder" now.

I think now, you have to be in court to be tried. Courts can't convict you, sentence you to death, and send people after you.

But if "knowing what is right" even over your own self interest, is necessary to get (human) rights, and presumably "knowing" is defined by "doing" then, just how many people are going to flunk?

Maybe I have hung out with too many competitive dog show people, but I believe a load of people would flunk his test for getting rights. Lots of people who don't raise dogs, and who don't even have a dog, would flunk.

And plenty of dogs would pass the test.

That animals can't voice their altruism in words, doesn't mean it is not there in them.

Animals have often shown altruism in tests -even cage raised animals that haven't been raised in a normal society of their kind, but who have been kept in conditions which would dive many people insane.

Plenty of dogs are altruistic. They will even fight to save their people from other dogs. There are parents who flee when their child is attacked. Dogs are often more loving, and protective than friends and family. And dogs are happy to do it, expecting nothing special in return.

Did you ever read "The Heathen"? (Jack London?) Afterwards, the teacher asked "Who was the heathen, in the story?"