Friday, October 30, 2009

Young Jung

Those of you into Jung (I like him better than Frued) probably have heard of the Myer-Briggs personality test. (MBTI)

You know the one, where it figures out where you are on 4 continuums:

Extrovert or Introvert
iNtuitive or Sensor
Thinker or Feeler
Playful Pack-rat or Judgeful Junk-tosser.

Okay, that's NOT what the J and the P stand for, exactly, but it's certainly in the right ballpark.

"Please Understand Me" is an easy read and a good read on this - and NO I am not in anyway associated with the book or the theory, or any of it, I just like it, and it is one of the few books that actually help, not just entertain.

It helps explain your boss, your friends - or lack there of, your kids, your spouse or potential spouse. You can teach the method to children. I builds respect between people. It explains our differences.

I've never been to one of their parties, where you get clumped with other people who have the same 4 letters that you do - the quiz puts you into one of 16 basic human personality types, and teaches you to see that most people fit into one of these 16 personality groups.

This link leaves out the fun stuff but explains it well: