Thursday, October 29, 2009

He bites.

There are many things that need to be improved in several sections of dog breeding, I know that, but the one thing that seem to me to be such a no-brainer, that I just can't understand why everybody isn't working on it is - good temperament.

Okay, if you want fighting dogs, then you want nasty dogs.

But for all the other people out there, health & temperament are it. And temperament is numero uno. If you get a nice dog that gets sick and dies, that's bad.

But if you get a nasty bad tempered but healthy dog, who lives until somebody kills him, then you never did have a good dog, not even for a few months.

Well, maybe when he was a puppy he was okay. But how does that feel, raise a nice puppy, then he gets too bull headed to deal with, tears stuff up if you turn your back on him, turns on your other pets with you standing right there, growls at the kids.

Like watching the degeneration of somebody you love. At least with a good tempered but unhealthy dog, he dies, or you have him put to sleep for his own good. With a healthy but bull headed mean dog, you have to decide to get rid of him for you or your family's safety.

I have discussed this with a a few dog breeders.
Pretty much people who breed healthy but ill-tempered or crazy dogs, say health is most important.

People who sell nice but sickly dogs say the fact that the dogs are nice, is more important than health - at least the dogs don't try to mess up anybody.

But is it really to much to ask? To get a nice dog that is also healthy?

People have had nice healthy mutts for ages, seems like somehow the system went astray.