Saturday, October 24, 2009

fly on a bird

Free LibreVox - The Island of Dr. Moreau.
The Big Q is: How did H. G. Wells foresee this over a hundred years ago?

Or did he not foresee it, he inspired it?

It involves genetic transplants. Like say you live in Alaska and it gets cold in the winter, and your children get too cold to play in the snow in the winter. What do you do, when even furs fail to keep their little bodies warm?

You take them to the doctor, he gives them a shot that has polar bear coat genes tied to a vector.

You children grow polar bear fur for the winter, and in the spring, you take them for another shot, and they return to normal.

Not happy with you looks? Forget make-up or surgery. Get the real thing, genes from your favorite movie star - and look just like them.

Want to be a music star, but lack musical talent? No problem, get injected with musical talent genes.

Wish your cat and dogs were smarter? Give them a bite of the apple. Give them human intelligence genes, and they will be as smart as the person who you got the genes from. Boy and his dog lives!

Want a ferret that flies? Can make that too. Mix hawk genes with ferret genes.

Tied of the same old same old? Get grow-smaller genes, and become a humming bird.

We could be talking about the possibility of a whole new world. Over populated? Produce babies that only grow to be pixie sized like 12 inches tall.

One house would be a skyscraper to them. They would eat very little. And those same genes could be taken by their parents too, and the whole family would be little people.

Why stop there? Why not be small enough to ride pigeons?

Honey I shrunk the kids lives too.