Thursday, October 29, 2009

Dead 'wood'

No matter how you cut it, if you breed and show, dogs for competitive victories, you often reach a point, where you have to make this choice:

a) you get rid of losers before you replace them with another puppy.

b) you periodically have "spring cleaning" or "get rid of the dead wood".

c) you have kept so many animals to show, that you have more than you can take care of - you have become a hoarder.

There are some dog breeders whose losing dogs can be sold as pets. We are NOT talking about them! (yet)

Many dog breeders who show their dogs, understand this. To some of them, it is not something to be ashamed of, because, of course they have to kill the dogs that they don't want, like, what, you think they are going to keep 50 dogs?