Saturday, October 31, 2009

1 DAW Molossers

DAW: Developmental Arrestment in Wolves.

A dog is basically a tampering of developmental stages in a wolf. That's what domestication often is. We did NOT create new genes for the dog. We tampered with what was already there. This is why most of the stages of dogs are all hunting stages of wolves.

Change in animal species over time is NOT through mutations alone, (like you were taught in school), but by a shifting of the amount of time which is spent in various stages.

Are we domesticated cavemen? Remember Freud's "Oral, Anal, Genital" stages?

He said that shocking events got people stuck in stages of development. Maybe. But much easier to understand is that through selection, we have modified domestic animals to stay in certain stages. Maybe there are more than just two ways to get stuck in a stage?

Like the canine equivalent of raising frogs that breed while still tadpole, and never really become frogs.



Hardware: large to giant dogs, heavy coat in winter, often white coat if used with white sheep, so the sheep accept the dog as one of them.

Software: most of the hunting software from the wolf deleted (but can still be activated from the recycle bin if the situation calls for it).

Use: to be raised with livestock, to bond with livestock, and protect them from predators.

Bio: the fetal stage of growth. Passive, open to bonding with whatever raises him. Becomes protective with maturity. .


A war dog of this size with intact instincts to kill people, would get his owner put in jail for using a lethal weapon - like what happened in California in the Diane Whipple case.

But while some people are attracted to giant dogs, other people are attracted to giant MEAN dogs..

Hardware: bigger or giant dogs, a strong build.

Bio: a cusp clan between Flockbonders & Bulldoggers, with some dogs in each group, and most a blend of the two.

Software, traditionally a war dog bred to bond with the family and defend them, or the generalized desire to bite and latch onto the victim.

Software, modern: very few instincts are desired, preferred that they be more like flockbonders.

Use: These were war dogs when men fought with swords. They fought people or calvary. People made amour for them to wear..

Today "war dogs" are a profession, not a physical type, our war dogs find mines, search for hidden people - they don't rush onto a battlefield; there are guns now, so our modern war dogs are not so large, and are more agile, they are often from herding dog breeds, not bully breeds..

C) BULLDOGGER CLAN: Hardware: medium to giant dogs, strong build, medium to huge head, often short haired.

Software: to bite into flesh and hang on to it even when all 4 of their feet are lifted from the ground, and they are shook by the bull. "Locking jaws" is an instinct - the instinct to grab with the mouth, bite, and not let go; it is a failure to switch off, of the instinct of the newborn to latch onto the nipple.

Use: to catch feral hogs or feral cattle, for slaughter, to hang onto the feral animals until the hunter can kill it.

Bio: the birth stage of suckling from their mother - the stage to hang on with their mouth does not delete after weaning like it normally would, this instinct to latch on and hold stays active..


Hardware: small to giant dogs, strong heavy build, medium to huge head, often short haired.

Software: "Locking Jaws" and "Terrier Shake" programs both active even after adulthood.

They are a cusp category, having both the software to bite and hang on like the previous stage, and the software to shake their head while biting and hanging on with their teeth from the next stage.

They also have the pecking order fight software from the next stage, and it persists after adulthood, not just longer during the puppy stage.

They may fail to have some of the other social software activated, because this would be programming activated stages ahead from here.

Use: to fight other dogs for sadistic people to watch.

Bio: a short stage where the blind puppy suckling and holding on to the nipple stage, and the earth den dwelling fight for position and rank stage, overlap.

It is like they have one copy of each activated at the same time, instead of two copies of the same stage.

It is possible for them to produce some puppies more in the previous stage or some puppies more into the next stage, but it doesn't work out in Mendelian ratios, rather it seems to be a change of the blend..

next terriers.