Saturday, December 12, 2009

BIS terrierman

I never thought I say this, but I'm saying it now, IMO, terrierman is not quite harsh enough to be hitting the nail on the head.

Terrierman's review of the film "Best in Show" ("BIS" in dog show lingo), is very good, but I would add this to it: not all that is wrong in dog shows is funny.

I know that there are those in the mental field who believe that a person who does things not in their own self-interest, is neurotic.

In more exact words, there are people who believe that all altruism, is neurotic, and that all helping of other people is a form of crazy - unless you get something in return.

I disagree.

If I were pushed to choose, I prefer the neurotics of the movie "Best In Show" over the cold blooded, selfish breeders,

like the mis-named "Class A" breeders/dealers, who breed dogs specially to sell them into research, and the "Class B" bunchers who get pets and sell then to be used in experiments and product testing.

I like the somewhat nutty breeders who baby their dogs, and treat them like people, better than I like the cold mean breeders who use dogs in the 'sport' of dog shows and sell the losers to people who bunch for the bunchers or companies who buy masses of dogs for who knows what.

I like the neurotics that are a bit crazy over their dogs, better than I like those focused on using dogs for sport or money.

Nothing like seeing people for the nuts they are, but loving them anyway.

Of course, if one can have sanity AND kindness, that is best - but we are talking about dog shows aren't we?

and like the variety of opinions on what is neurotic, I am not so sure, that dog show fans are any less fanatics than Star Trek fans or Football fans.

In all groups there seems to be those who go too far with their love, fandom, or obsession, and others who err by not loving enough.

Yes, laugh at "Best In Show" and groan out loud because there are nuts like that in dog shows, but don't go away thinking that that is all there is.

While people have often said that dog shows are agriculture (animal breeding),

And some say that showing dogs is a sport (the 'sport' of combing dog hair? and leading the dog around a ring? - not IMO),

And I have heard people claim that dog shows should be part of the entertainment industry,

But, now, I have heard it said, that dog breeding ought to be classed as part of the medical industry, as that is where so many of the dogs end up - used in experiments.

The movie is funny, the other side of the truth is a horror story with a bad ending, not a comedy.

"Class A" breeders/ dealers, and "class B" dealers are real.